Stowarzyszenie Partnerstwo dla Krajny i Pałuk Program Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich +48 52 382 44 50

Description of the system


The system includes:

  1. Hydraulic separator CPN 100 - DN 40
  2. Zone mainfold C 100 - DN 32
  3. Unmixing unit SA 125 - DN 32
  4. Mixing unit SMT 125 - DN 32

Mixing units are used wherever there is the highest esthetics built boiler room, as well as everywhere where short assembly time is very important. All products systems are equipped with isolation of the EPP, so the system looks very impressive.

Hydraulic separator is used wherever there is a heat source with built-in pump boiler (eg, wall mounted). Its primary function is to separate power boiler and installation.
Zone mainfold separates the medium scale on several circuits.

unmixing unit SA are used in pump systems heating circuits (eg, radiator circuit) or in the system hot water.

Mixing unit systems are used in heating circuits with mixing valves. Thanks to the mixing valve, we can adapt to the required temperature of the medium such as the heating curve for the weather for central heating systems.